
Academic courses:
Impulse technique and Switching Circuits (Static characteristics of a junction transistor as a switch. Dynamic characteristics. Basic switching circuits. Bi-stable circuits. A-stable circuits. Blocking oscillators. Switching functions. Combinational logic network. Logic gates. Fliup-flops. Sequential circuits. Digital-to-digital converters. SSI, MSI, LSI circuits.
Discret Industrial Automations (Sampled data control systems. Discrete transfer functions. Stability of sampled data systems. State space model. Graphs of systems. Time-domain and frecquency-domain analysis in state space. Asynchronous and synchronous machines. Structure of sequential machines. Linear sequential machines. Finite state recognises. Sequential and iterative networks. State-identification and fault-detection experiments. Microprocessors. Fundamental concepts. Microprocessor applications. Iterfacing techniques.

Textbooks and monographs:
"Distributed Parameter System In Complex Systems", Ed. Tehnica, Bucharest, 1972.
"Industrial Automats", Ed. Scrisul Romanesc, Craiova, 1984.
"Industrial Robots - Algorithms and Control Systems", Ed. University Press, Craiova, 1993.
"Industrial Robots", University Publishing House, Craiova, 1994.

Scientific papers (selection):
Algorithms for optimal control of distributed parameter systems: Control inequality and end-point equality constraints, International Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, PATRAS, GREECE, Section II, Hamisphere Publishing Co., pp. 320-333, 1976.
Optimal control for the systems described by partial derivative equations. Proc. of the 5th Symp. on Computers in Chemical Engineering, PRAHA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, pp. 711-718, 1978.
A new algorithm for fault detection in sequential circuits, The 3rd Internat. Symp. on Control Syst. and Computer Sciences, pp. 1155-1162, BUCHAREST, 1979.
Optimal control of distributed parameter Systems with robust regulator, The 3rd Internat. Symp. on Control Syst. and Computer Sciences, pp. 185-191, BUCHAREST, 1979.
Learning system of industrial robots, Proc. 4th Internat. Conf. on Control Systems, BUCHAREST, 1981.
Dynamic control of a tentacle manipulator, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Springer-Verlag, 1984.
Robust regulator for class of distributed parameter systems, MECC'83, Univ. of Patras, GREECE, 1983.
Optimal control of manipulator arm, Proc. 11th Internat. Symp. on Industrial Robots, TOKYO, 1981.
Distributed system for a tentacle manipulator, First Internat. Workshop on the Real Time Control of Large Scale Systems,PATRAS, GREECE, 1984.
Dynamic control for a flexible arm, 6th Internat. Conf. on Control System and Computer Science, pp. 421-427, BUCHAREST, 1985.
On the two-way sequential array testability, 10th Internat. Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, VARNA, 1987.
A new manipulator arm: a tentacle model, Recent Trends in Robotics, NORTH HOLLAND, 1986.
Dynamic control for a tentacle manipulator, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Springer Verlag, 1984.
An integral differential model of a tentacle manipulator, Proc of the 9th IASTED Symp., INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA, pp. 183-187, 1991.
A tentacle manipulator in 3-D spaces, IASTED Symp. on Robotics, LUGANO, SWITZERLAND, pp. 201-208, 1991.
Computing Methods for Time - Space Evolution Systems, AMC, Vo. 20B, pp. 247-259, 1975.
Dynamic Systems of a Generator in an Energetic Network, AMC, Vo. 20B, pp. 232-238, 1975.
Optimal Control of the Systems with Space Control, Automatic Problems, No. 9, Ed. Academiei, 1976.
Optimal Control of the Drive with Short - Circuited Rotor Asynchronous Motor, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Seri Electronique et Energetique, pp. 591-599, 1980.
An Inverse Model of a Parabolic Distributed System, AMSE Review, AMSE Press, Vo. 5, No. 4, 1987.
Learning Industrial Robots by Programming, Automatics and Electronics, No. 1, pp. 5-8, 1983.
Le manipulator en 3-D espaes, IASTED Symposium on Robotics, Lugano, Switzerland, 1991.
Variable Structure Controller for Tentacle Manipulator, ICRA-95, pp. 1243-1252, Nagoya, Japan, 1995.

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