
Name: Mocanu Lucian-Mihai
Age: 33 years old
1982-1987, Control and Computers Engineering Faculty, Craiova
1977-1981, High School "Fratii Buzesti", Craiova.
Since 1992 I'm doctorand to "Control Systems", scientific advisor is dr. eng. Vladimir Rasvan and the theme is: "Discrete Event Systems. Parallel approaches".

Languages: English French

Professional Activity: 1995-1996: lecturer at the Faculty of Control and Computers Engineering Craiova, Computer Departament
1990-1995: assistent at the Faculty of Control and Computers Engineering Craiova, Computer Departament 1987-1990: research engineer at the Institute of Scientific Research and Technological Engineering for Automobiles - Craiova Branch, as part of the Industrial Headquarters for Automobiles - Pitesti

Fields of interest: Theoretical algorithms
Parallel computing
Discrete simulation and modelling

Teaching: Since 1991-1992 I taught the classes "Informatics and Programming", for the I-st year and "Algorithms and programming languages for parallel processing" for the V-th year, and since 1993, the class "Computer Programming" for the I-st year English teaching class. During last years I taught different classes of programming in Pascal and C for the students of other specialities. In 1993-1994 I had a class of "Modelling and simulation" at the Spiru Haret University - Rm. Valcea.


Books published by national editures (Teora): 1
University text-books and laboratory manuals published by University's Reprography: 4
Articles published in scientific magazines: 7
Papers at National and International Scientific Conferences: 14

Ended research contracts: 6
Research contracts still in work: 1

Stages and grants:
March 31 - May 31 1995, Tempus Scholarship to Ecole Superieure en Sciences Informatiques , Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

December 2 - 18 1992, Tempus Scholarship to Longlands College for Higher Education, Middlesbrough, England.

I am member of IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineerings (M. 40021916), ACM - Association of Computing Machinery (M.4547386) and WoTUNG - World Occam and Transputer User Group. I am also member of the editorial staff of the Craiova's Computing Magazine: "ELSE Software". Since 1992 I acted as local coordinator to the action "Free UNIX for Romania", which intends the promotion of OS UNIX and BSD UNIX (with very good results).

Last updated 1 November 1996

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