Parallel Modelling, Simulation and Performance Analysis of Discrete Event Systems

The field of Discrete Event Systems (DES) has traditionally been connected with sequential discrete simulation. In the last decade, there has been increasing interest of system theorists for "discrete event systems", whose evolution in time is marked by the occurence of events, and of computer scientists for nonprocedural, parallel and distributed approaches in simulation processes. Tracking and linking of these directions may bring benefits for both system theory and computer science.
In my doctoral thesis I propose a systematic approach of Discrete Event Systems field, trying to link the main results and to extend some of them.
The main topics I am concerned with in this stage of thesis elaboration are:
1. The questions of representation and parametrisation (modelling), together with the algorithms to go from one of these models to another and the significance of various system properties in each of the possible representations.
2. The suitability of these models for performance analysis and optimization of DES.
3. Parallel and distributed simulation - as an adequate performance evaluation tool. Traditionally, simulations of complex discrete event systems have proved to be exceedingly slow. Using multiple processors for these simulations appears to be a promising approach to improving their speed. Since most simulations are of systems consisting of many components operating in parallel, it seems reasonable to suppose that the inherent parallelism in the system can be well-exploited by the simulation.
4. Synthesis algorithms and specific design principles of such systems.
In this stage I am also concerned in designing software tools for parallel discrete event simulation and finding new applications for them. An experimental conservative parallel general simulator has been designed and implemented in two versions within the
Department of Computers at the University of Craiova. The initial assumptions on which the whole design and implementation of this simulator were based included the fact that the typical user of the simulation system may not be aware of parallel algorithms, parallel decomposition of systems or the way of efficiently charge of the available processor network. It actually runs on a transputer network and a new version, running in a cluster of workstations, will be soon available.
Last updated 1 November 1996

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