Ok !!! I admit !!! I like games !! (who doesn't ??? :)). Do you like playing games ???? No ?!?!? Did you say no ?!?!? Ok then, just stop reading that page !!!! Did you say Yes !!! Oh sorry, I misunderstood you !! That's good, because I have here some nice games for you. Right now, there are only 2 games, but I hope to put soon some more. They both are done by me and I think they could be played by anyone. (If you're a parent, don't be afraid ! you may let your kid use that games... There's no need to worry about some mental problems that can appear to the kid, because of that games. Why ??? Simply; because they can't !!! So, don't you even try to learn you mother-in-law to play that games... They will not affect her, so why to try ??).
Well, well, well; today you seem me very smiling, and I don't know why ?? Did you win to the lottery ?? Did you buy an error free version of Windows95 (I'm sceptic:) ?? Did you get a new CdPlayer (The old one you broke because you thought that the tray was made to keep your cup of coffe ;)?? Oh, no.. I know !! You are eager to see the games. Ok, I cannot let you wait too much, so I'll put here the links to them :
GamGam Game: A game for smarts. (I usually can not reach its end... ;))
HangMan Game... Should I say something more ??
BlackJack. Yeah, right, the old BlackJack... Have fun !! :)
Poker. A Poker Machine.... Funny, isn't it ???
Puzzle. Just a puzzle game.. Lots of pictures, and lot of fun
Chess Game. Online chess game .... I would be glad if you will use my chess room .....
Crosswords Game.
JAVA YATC Game - Yet Another Tetris Game.
JAVA Pong Game I'm sure if you are an old Borland Pascal programmer, you'll remember about this program !! :)
Did you played them ??? All of them ??? How did they seem to you ??? Ok, ok don't tell me now... there are people on the line who can hear what you say. Send me a mail, or better, fill my guest book from the last page !!!
And now, let me: Thank you for visiting my game page !!!

Original conception by Marius